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Este deverá, na minha opinião ser o post mais ofensivo na história deste blog. Digo poderá, porque o "animal" do Armando, que não tem a mínima desculpa se se embebedou no seu aniversário, resolveu escrever, provavelmente com a ajuda da filha ou do google translator, esta crónica toda em francês.
É de uma baixeza incrível, nem mesmo o facto do Rendufas ter criticado a crónica da semana passada, chegando a adjectiva-la de bost... er... se calhar fui eu que sonhei com isso, mas pode mesmo ter acontecido.
Agora...sabe-se lá o que p'ra aqui vai escrito. Pode ser material do mais ofensivo possível. Tenham cuidado!
Comment of the **special envoy in the UK, "the ball looks like a limon"
Took place this Wednesday another great game between Blacks x Whites.
Final Fact: Blacks------SIX Whites-------FOUR
Is this alone that will forever remain in history, but given the production of the two teams and, more importantly, the clear intention that the teams put in the game, the result could be unquestionably another. Explaining the intentions say that on one side was a team clearly committed to exploit the mistakes of opponents and another one that took the game throughout the time of departure or in technical and tactical.
One of the questions we might ask is: why the team does not play like this too white? [Why does't the White team play like this too?]
The answer has to do with what I understand to be the true essence of a soccer team: want to win games playing Futsal, or look for victory in every and all circumstances, assuming the game because we understand, only then will win .
Another question might be: a prospective change in attitude for the rest of the season?
All possibilities are open because both teams have clear objectives and pragmatism must be placed in the field.
It should be noted also, as a matter of justice, the quality of play that the team of blacks patent throughout the meeting and on the other hand the mistakes made by the White´s team, which resulted in the opponents of goal.
TIME (s): [Teams]
The superb view of the Goalkeeper of the Blacks, culminating in the failure of yet another penalty.
Another good showing by the Rui Goes Blacks, is showing to the coach who has title in the team.
Rui Gois
Marco Van Bastan
Sérgio Vasco
Luis Costa
**Armando Simões
Nota do Editor: Se alguém pretender a morada deste traidor é só pedir